Heywire winner Dominic Rheinberger, Hobart TasmaniaI crawl into the torn, sticky backseat of an old white car [url=www.usacigscoupons.com]Tobacco Store[/url]. The left-hand passenger window is smashed and has been replaced with a garbage bag, held loosely with electrical tape. My driver doesn't have a license; I don't know his real name [url=www.usacigarettesshop.com]Marlboro Red Cigarettes[/url]. The car is filled with the thick stench of teenagers sucking on cigarettes and the sound of rattling cans in the boot. Liquor bottles lie discarded at my feet.
We drive up a dirt road, always taking back routes. My mate sitting shotgun pulls the handbrake and we go flying sideways, inching nearer to death. The thrill of being tantalisingly close, that's why we do it [url=www.wholesaleusacigs.com]Newport Cigarettes Carton Price[/url].
We scale an old sawmill. We work together to paint the whole building with our names. If my tag lasts longer than I do, maybe I can escape the death that I taunt so blithely.
Both my grandfathers died within half a year of each other. I had never experienced a family member dying before then. Their deaths shattered me. My life became consumed by depression, heavy metal, graffiti, adrenaline, police sirens and paranoia.
Then one night things finally changed. Me and two mates were taken to a police station in the back of a wagon. My parents had to pick me up at 4:00am. No sleep that night. No sleep the night after. Or the night after that.
I stayed up every night thirsting for the sound of rattling cans [url=www.cartonsofcigarettes.com]Newport Cigarettes[/url], the smell of paint, the feelings of breathing heavily through the old shirt I used as a face mask. I was without purpose. Some nights my addiction and my depression would get the better of me and I'd sneak out.
It needed to stop. I needed a way to rid my mind of this cancer. It was tearing my life apart [url=www.usasmokingsale.com]Carton Of Newport 100S[/url].
For Christmas my family gave me big canvases and vouchers for art shops. I began painting the same thing I used to paint on walls. Then I started to experiment, starting with water colour and then oil paint. I participated in legal community graffiti days. Slowly I stopped thirsting for the thrill of those late nights [url=www.wholesalecheapcigarettes.com]Marlboro Lights[/url]. My tags faded but I kept going.
This year I started year 11 and chose art as one of my key subjects. What started as a dangerous addiction has turned my life around. Art restored a sense of purpose and belonging to my life. Related articles: [url=http://whazzup-u.com/profiles/blogs/premium-antioxidant-protection]Newport Smooth[/url]
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